Aaron Stroud
Personal Bio
Birth Date: July 14, 1994
Occupation: Full time student studying Structural Engineering
Marital Status: Single
Residence: Raleigh, N.C.
Contact: [email protected]
Powerlifting Bio
Began Powerlifting: 2009-2010
Weight: 155
Best Lifts: Competition: 474 Squat, 513 Deadlift. Gym: 320 Bench
Goals: Break USAPL raw collegiate national records
Inspiration: Jamie Lewis
Thanks: To my parents
Powerlifting Accomplishments:
Held national records in teen 148 weight class, competed at the 2014 Arnold Classic
Birth Date: July 14, 1994
Occupation: Full time student studying Structural Engineering
Marital Status: Single
Residence: Raleigh, N.C.
Contact: [email protected]
Powerlifting Bio
Began Powerlifting: 2009-2010
Weight: 155
Best Lifts: Competition: 474 Squat, 513 Deadlift. Gym: 320 Bench
Goals: Break USAPL raw collegiate national records
Inspiration: Jamie Lewis
Thanks: To my parents
Powerlifting Accomplishments:
Held national records in teen 148 weight class, competed at the 2014 Arnold Classic